On June 16th I posted a blog “Creative Writer Blogger Award Winner.” In order to prove myself worthy of the award I had to tell six truths and one lie about myself. Now it’s time to reveal the lie and see if you guessed correctly.
1. I am a native Floridian. TRUE I was born in Miami, Florida.

2. I was awarded the Distinguished Service award as a volunteer fire fighter. TRUE In 2000 I received The Distinguished Service Award from then Florida Governor Jeb Bush for service during the Wildfires of 2000. It was a scary year, the whole state seemed to be a blaze. But we were able to get them under control with the help of other agencies around our nation.
2. I was awarded the Distinguished Service award as a volunteer fire fighter. TRUE In 2000 I received The Distinguished Service Award from then Florida Governor Jeb Bush for service during the Wildfires of 2000. It was a scary year, the whole state seemed to be a blaze. But we were able to get them under control with the help of other agencies around our nation.
3. I have been nose to nose with a real wild black bear. TRUE Around 11pm we received a page calling our fire department to a car accident. I started out my front door and down the ramp with my gear in hand when I felt a puff of hot air on the side of my face and arm. Stopping I turned and was face to face with a very large Florida black bear.
He sat down and sort of looked at me like, “Whatcha doin?”
Slowly I walked on down the ramp, “Good boy. Stay right there.”
The big fuzzy wuzzy just sort of sniffed and watched me very quickly haul my tush to the fire truck. I’ve not been that close since but we see bears often in our yard. Well I do live in the forest.

4. I am a huge Russell Crowe fan. TRUE anyone that knows me knows I follow 3 fandoms. Russell Crowe, Adrian Paul, and David Caruso. I just have to adore a man who isn’t afraid to be who he is with no excuses to the world. A wonderful father and husband a real role model for my own son to look up too.
4. I am a huge Russell Crowe fan. TRUE anyone that knows me knows I follow 3 fandoms. Russell Crowe, Adrian Paul, and David Caruso. I just have to adore a man who isn’t afraid to be who he is with no excuses to the world. A wonderful father and husband a real role model for my own son to look up too.
5. I won a radio show contest once. LIE There it is the lie revealed I’ve never one a radio contest.
6. I have met Don Johnson. TRUE Yuppers, I have. Growing up in Miramar, Florida there was a small air port a few blocks from my house. My friends and I would hop on our bikes and ride down there whenever they filmed scenes for Miami Vice. I was a teen with a crush and he was very sweet to all of us. The other cast members as well would come over to the fence and chat with us fans. Still love the show, I’ve got many fond memories of watching it with my Dad.

7. I have a green belt in Tae Kwan Do TRUE Yes I do my son and I both are green belts. And yes I have broken boards. Hiyah!
7. I have a green belt in Tae Kwan Do TRUE Yes I do my son and I both are green belts. And yes I have broken boards. Hiyah!
Well those are the facts as they are did you guess which one was the lie?
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